Saturday, January 30, 2010

Keep Guessing #52

What is the connect.

Ans : James Wilson, India's first finance minister and the founder of the economist and standard chartered bank.

Ankush got it right.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Keep Guessing#51

In medieval times Italian moneylenders used benches in the marketplace to conduct business. Latin for bench was X, which transferred to English as Y. These lenders were required to publicly break up their benches if their businesses failed, this was termed as A, which transferred to English as B.
The Latin expression being XA-, became YB in English. What are XA, YB?

Ans: X-Banca Y-Bank A-rupta B- rupt, so XA- Bancarupta and YB-Bankrupt.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Keep Guessing #50

Since its our half century, we bring a bunch of good questions for your knowledge.

Q.1 Whats the connect.

Ans: The connect is Parle, better to stay Parle-Bisleri.

Q.2 Who is she, and whats her name?

Ans:She is the world's first sex robot Roxxy.

Q.3 Identify this logo.
( Kangroo on a staple diet)

No one got it right. It is Kangaro, the ubiquitous brand of staplers.

Q.4 i3, i5, i7....... explain?

Ans: The 2010 edition of Intel chips.

Q.5 Explain what is it?

Ans: Big Mac Index

Q.6 A revolution in itself, explain?

Ans: One more revolution from the house of tatas, TATA SWACH, low cost water purifier.

Q.7 Identify the brands.

Ans:Carrefour, soon to sign its deal with Future Group.

Ans: Vicks

Ans: Apollo Munich

Ans; Micromax

Q.8. Who is the author of this book?

Ans:Peter Cappelli, Harbir Singh, Jitendra Singh, Michael Useem of Harvard Business School.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Keep Guessing #49

Harley Davidson

Bausch & Lomb

Future Group


Torrent Power

Guess the logos.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Keep Guessing #48


Ans: It is the Black Swan Theory, the bird is the black swan, all other are example of black swan events.
1. World War I
2. 9/11 Attack
3. World wide web, and
4. Personal Computer